The My Success Event at the Civic Arena in downtown St. Joseph/Photo by Travis Dodge


St. Joseph Post

St. Joseph is hosting the My Success Event at the Civic Arena,
bringing approximately 2,000 juniors and seniors downtown, searching for a key
to their future.

The event sponsored by the St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce
gives high school students hands-on experiences with area businesses to learn
about possible careers, many available to high school graduates with perhaps a
bit of training.

Kristi Bailey with the Chamber says businesses aren’t the only
ones on hand for the students. Colleges and other representatives will be

“You can also talk to technical schools. You can talk to
universities. Unions set up shop there, too,” Bailey says. “So, you can talk to
not only employers, but then talk to places that can help you learn how to get
those jobs. If you need this training or you need this apprenticeship, you can
talk to everyone that you need to at this event.”

The event has grown in popularity over the years, now spanning
two full days. It comes at an opportune time for area businesses as well as the
students, according to Bailey, with many jobs remaining unfilled in the greater
St. Joseph area.

“And so, that’s why training is so important now, because to
get a good job, you really need to know what you want to do and how to get the
training to be able to be successful,” according to Bailey.

More than 70 area business representatives will be on hand
today and tomorrow. It takes a bit more than 50 volunteers to help the Chamber
put on the event.

You can follow Brent on X @GBrentKFEQ and St. Joseph Post @StJosephPost.